

The red wind scrolls, which actually stirs up those gray air currents. As soon as some gray air streams fell into boulders, they were swept up by the red wind and chased after the monster beast.

"Daoyou helped me kill that boy together." Road flyover Evil Tiger gnashed her teeth and shouted sharply. Hundreds of Wan Li were hunted down by a Dan division, which made him unable to swallow this tone. Now he has the…


All this makes Sun Hao have to consider how he needs to get back.

If you want to go back to the southern continent, there is a way and the best way is to rely on strength. Everything is easy to say when you are strong. If you are strong enough to join the…


"The surname Leng Leng Leng Li"

When Qingchen heard their name of Lengli, she couldn’t help but look at Chenchi. This name is not common. Compared with Qingchen, who has the same name and surname, it is more likely that they know that Lengli. "Eh, Li,…

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Chapter two hundred and three The legendary demon emperor "Master, how can this be?" Hao Qiang didn’t quite understand it at first. When he heard Chu Yanqi say this, he understood it in an instant and said, "This can’t be…


Chapter 42 Dead bodies die unsatisfied!

"You this stinking kid exactly what position? Want to die? Dare to provoke your ancestors! " Does the dark green dragon really stink? It will be pleasing to the eye and refreshing to smell fresh and natural, okay? Ma Sanzhi…


The magic statue holds the broken sword in his right hand and holds the fist tightly in his left. It can be seen that he is fighting against the devil’s heart. This phenomenon puzzled me. Arguably, the devil’s heart should be able to help absorb black energy. Why did the devil stop it from helping?

Ten minutes later, the magic statue felt that the energy was almost the same, so he roared, left his palm, and the broken sword itself split out: "Destroy!" As if it were like an atomic bomb explosion, a mass of…


Outside the cage, the thunder suddenly appeared with sharp eyes and swept away in the direction of Su Ying’s departure, sneering, "Even my father sent animal slaves to take him!"

Chapter 1251 The first person on the wanted list Thunder extinguished his mind and saw the huge cage suddenly shrink and the unkempt old man fell into his hands together. Jiuyang’s face was too cautious to glance at the old…


"Sister Tong Ya, Sister Tong Ya," came the immature children’s voice. Xiao Qin Zhi suddenly appeared in front of Tong Ya and hugged her arm.

"Kid, you want to scare me to death!" Tong Ya carefully looked at the little darling she hadn’t seen for a year. She grew taller, her skin was glittering and translucent, and purple light was flowing. This feeling was a…


There is a little residual rain dripping on the eaves.

He has already regretted it. He really regrets that he came here and made this stupid sign. But … if you don’t come, that person … "My Lord …" Then someone interrupted his meditation. It’s General Meng Qi. His face…


These two faucets are really the same as real dragons, and they look ordinary, dignified and majestic. As soon as the two faucets appeared, they each opened their mouths and sang songs.

"Roar-" The sound of a huge roar immediately resounded through the sky. Dragon songs, not only have a very powerful shock to the monsters in the world, but also do great harm to the monks’ spirits. Many of the monks’…