
Yi Yu took out the small red wooden box and gave it to Zhu Mei. Seeing that Zhu Mei took it and didn’t hit it, he patted it on the face for three times. Instead, he gave it back to Yi Yu. Yi Yu’s wooden box was not much. He asked him if he knew that Zhu Mei would have another story.

Sure enough, Zhu Mei said slowly, "This is actually your granduncle who gave you a little joke from his old man’s house and you. Fortunately, you didn’t have any curiosity to try it yourself on the way …" Say that Zhu Mei actually hey hey smiled and Yi Yu did have some puzzling. What mystery did Li Jingxiu put in this affairs box and what was this affairs box?
The one hundred and fifty-third transaction continues.
Said Yi Yu returned to the Golden Whip Cliff of Qingcheng Mountain to meet the master Zhu Mei I Xiongshiling Li Jingxiu and asked him to take the mahogany box to Zhu Mei and give it to Zhu Mei, but that Zhu Mei took the box and didn’t hit it. It turned out that it was taken three times and then returned to Yi Yu.
Listen to Zhu Meidao. "Ok, let’s play now! You granduncle is really such a joke. "
Yi Yu is a little strange to take the affairs and ask, "Master, this affairs turned out to be a mystery? What kind of joke did granduncle Shi play again? "
Zhu Mei smell speech laughed. "Your granduncle put some Tiankui Lorraine leaves in this affairs box. If you don’t beat them without authorization, you will be smoked by those Tiankui Lorraine leaves to …" Speaking of which, the short barbary Zhu Mei is old and not serious.
"Master!" Yi Yu Chen replied, but some puzzling andao "what turned out to be actually made Zhu Meile like this! Even it’s not a good thing. "
Zhu Mei gave a way, "You still don’t know what’s in this day’s Queirollana leaves" and don’t wait for Yi Yu to answer Zhu Mei’s way. "This day’s Queirollana leaves are native to the western prickly mold country. After autumn, they are put away and lit the remaining black and gray tea wine …" Speaking of which, Zhu Mei looked up at Yi Yu with a face of banter.
Although Yi Yu didn’t know anything, she seemed very happy to see Zhu Mei and didn’t care too much. "Master, why are you so today … you will be a fool!"
That Zhu Mei is still smiling but still hanging Yi Yu don’t tell him to listen to Zhu Meidao "on her! I heard that the Emei Sect has recently taken in two female brothers, namely, Mrs. tian hu Baoxiang in Huangshan. Do you know that the two daughters are called Ziling Hancalyx by Qin? "
Yi Yu nodded, but he didn’t know that he had turned to the Qin sisters, but he heard that Zhu Mei added, "And these sisters have a great relationship with our blissful bodhi old zu. Do you know?"
Yi Yu naturally knows to nod, "Qin’s sister’s father is uncle Qin Yu’s uncle." Speaking of this, Yi Yu also vaguely caught some of them, but on this day, he still couldn’t figure out what was in Kui Luolan Leaf.
Zhu Mei smiled awkwardly after hearing this. "You are so good everywhere, even if you have little heart, you like women."
Yi Yu quickly said, "I’m scared!"
And that Zhu Mei saw Yi Yu scared but gave a smile "afraid of what? It’s not a bad thing for a man to like women. Besides, those … "Speaking of which, Zhu Mei also realized some gaffes and stopped quickly. Zhu Mei looked at his face and Yi Yu was embarrassed." I heard that you and the Qin sisters are quite good … "
Yi Yu didn’t shirk her smile. "Actually, it’s not hehe. That sister’s cold calyx is fine, but that sister’s purple bell is not so fake to me, just like protecting a chicken to protect her sister."
Zhu Meiwen listened and laughed. "Here it is! ShiShu his old man’s house the most important feelings treat his brother as his own "here that Zhu Mei is also a sigh even thinking of the thirteen other disciples of Li Jing Xumen" that Qin family sisters are Qin Yu’s younger brother’s daughter, and how can they not care? Even now you this little misconduct a little warning "
Yi Yu heard here is a surprised andao "turn before Qin Han calyx and I in the snow cave? Tang Wan won’t say and the Qin sisters are not gossips. How can Li Jingxiu know? And everyday also very opportunity to get along with the cold calyx … "
See Yi Yu doubt Zhu Mei laughed "on her! Your granduncle’s ability is even more pervasive. Can you guess now? Now that you are the most important brother of our Qingcheng Sect, it is natural to focus on caring for you. What can his old man not know? "
Yi Yu immediately frightened andao when he heard it. "Master, is there anything else in it? Don’t qiu yuan thing … Impossible! Who will pay attention to me when I was silent? It is true that it can be inferred that the past is not my head! "
Seems to be saw something Yi Yu heart but see that Zhu Mei smiled "on her! You don’t want to focus more on your heart. Everything has its own master to protect you. Now you are fine. Even some mistakes in the past are flawed. "
Words here Zhu Mei is temper a transfer way "it seems granduncle is afraid that you will bully the two girls in the future and give you a small test, by the way. If you fail, I will give you a lesson, but your small mind is cunning and tenacious, but you didn’t fight privately and suffered less for a few days."
Yi Yu asked strangely, "How do you say this, Master?"
Zhu Mei pointed to the mahogany box and said, "This thing is bliss. Martial Uncle deliberately asked you to bring it to me. If you don’t send flying swords to ordinary objects, aren’t you curious about what’s in it?" And this affairs is not locked or banned, even if it’s a sneak peek, it won’t be people now … "
Yi Yu nodded andao "at that time, I almost called to see! Fortunately, the temptation was forbidden at that time. "I thought of Yi Yu here, but I was more curious about Queirollana leaf that day and asked," Master, did Queirollana leaf have any effect that day? Granduncle Shi used it to tease his brother? "
Zhu Mei laughed. "Actually, it’s also a big problem, but it’s a big punishment for your lewd smallness. It’s just that you have to cut off the fine man after the Queirollana leaves are transformed into the body. Hahaha!"
Yi Yu was startled when he heard it, but Li Jingxiu’s trick was really diabolical. At this time, he listened to that Zhu Mei and then said, "But even if you won the prize that day, Kui Luolan Ye won’t have any big things. There is also a copy of this affairs box that is exactly what your granduncle gave you. You need to retreat for three years, and you can recover yourself and be wonderful and poor."
Yi Yu, as soon as he heard the curiosity to hit the affairs box, saw that there was a thin booklet with 20 or 30 pages. The sample was very old, but half of the leather was still missing. There was a column of fine print "Tai Hao Tiandi Jing" on the page.
Listen to Zhu Meidao "It seems that ShiShu really dotes on you! I can’t believe that he gave you all this treasure. It’s timely! Yunya! Life also! Don’t forget his old man’s kindness in the future. "
Although this Zhu Mei speaks gently but keenly, Yi Yu hears some strange smells outside this sentence. Yi Yu’s mind turns sharply and tries to figure out the meaning of the master’s words. He knows that the master will not talk nonsense because of it.
Yi Yu said, "I will remember the teacher’s teachings and the granduncle’s pity and love."
Zhu Meiwen was stunned but smiled. "You little prick, if the master doesn’t teach you, you won’t remember your granduncle’s place?"
Yi Yu, however, said, "Heaven and Earth Avenue are all teachers and granduncles, no matter how good they are, they will never become teachers."
Zhu Meiwen laughed and stretched out his hand and gently knocked on Yi Yu’s head and laughed. "You are the Grinch!" Master, if you know that your mind is settled, go ahead. "Say Zhu Mei closes his eyes and stops talking.
Yi Yu also wants to retreat outward with the mahogany box, but her eyes turn before she moves.
I said, "I have something to report."
Zhu Mei smell speech also did not look up a way "oh? Say! "
Yi Yudao said, "My brother accidentally got a rare thing at this mountain karma meeting, and I would like to give it to Master Zun to make a soup to make up for him."
A listen to Yi Yu said this Zhu Mei has also been aroused interest way "oh? Take it out and see what good things are there? It’s worth putting it in the end before you take it out to present a treasure. "