
Maybe when you open your eyes, you will never see the charm again.

An irresistible force, my eyes
Electric book
Finally closed
Palace made of black stones are filled with mysterious and strange atmosphere.
A gorgeous woman in a black palace looked coldly and gasped at Lucifer.
It’s my fault that I tried to vomit a few words in Lucifer’s month
The gorgeous girl turned cold and her eyes turned a little warm. I know it’s not your fault.
Still, my Lord, what else does Lucifer want to say? Still, Lucifer has stretched out his hand and stopped him.
This plan is going smoothly because the east wind is still thinking that the Terran is a stupid worm. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful. Is it because the Terran shouldn’t perish?
I told you that human power is not as insignificant as you think. The shadow of the throne in the high place is sounding, but it is still alone.
LI Bi is still dissatisfied with Lucifer. You mean I shouldn’t destroy mankind. I’m an inferno in doing so.
Still, my Lord, it’s not your idea that Lucifer is still a gloomy road, but your method. We can’t despise our enemies, that is, the least powerful people. The temporary success of the plan to worship Japan has made you lose your cool. Think about it. So many people died in this World War, but no mage, dragon knight participated in the war.
Well, you mean the sound of Lucifer is still stale.
At this time, they haven’t moved the most important force. What is that? LI Lengdao is because of the contradiction between terrans, which is not the most important contradiction. They are still afraid of us. If we intervene, they will quickly gather together and charge us in a trench.
You mean this time, our exposure is that they are United.
Lucifer is still lost in thought, so should we hide again and let them fight again until they both lose?
Hehe, you’re still right. LI laughs grimly. On the orc side, we still adopt the alliance method. This generation has a pig king, and it’s even more certain to unite with them.
LI Bi is still Lucifer. Suddenly, LI Bi seems to be more mysterious, that is, without the shadow of that tall throne, he still can really see this royal brother.
Chapter 20 Make the king a vassal
When I woke up, I was already in my bedroom.
My mother is standing by my side, and she has won my approval for her maternal love. Now I have regarded Meng Guifei as my own mother, which is a comfort to myself.
Mother was a little worried when she saw me wake up. It’s a good thing you finally woke up.
Mother, why am I here?
You defeated the enemy, but you also lost your strength and fainted in the battle. It was Leng Mengzhe who escorted you back. This time, you were in a coma for two days again. Recently, you fainted too often. When you were in a coma, your father had given you the dragon heart that had been hidden for many years. Now you can be said to be completely transformed. Mother said that it would be difficult to miss you again, hehe.
Dragon heart I doubt to ask.
Yes, it’s the ancient dragon that left the treasure. It was given to us by the dragon when the dragon signed the contract when I helped the country to build a new country. It’s a national treasure of our town. My mother is very fond of my father’s kindness to me, but I don’t think it’s hard to say that I lost this treasure if I didn’t make this outstanding meritorious military service.
Oh, then I must thank my father in person.
Of course, your father will come to visit your mother later and look at me lovingly and say