
This shout woke Dorothy and Beth-Li up with one eye open, and both of them found it. Last night, both of them were unconsciously close to each other and fell asleep. When they saw it, both of them changed their faces. Beth-Li turned away and Dorothy moved to Guludi.

Seeing that the sky was bright and I recognized Beth Li and Dologrudi, I finally calmed down and muttered to myself, why am I here?
When I heard Doloma, I told him what happened last night again. It seems that Gurudi has forgotten about the previous events because of shock. After listening to Doloma, Gurudi also became silent.
Grudi, what happened after you broke up with me? Brother Ipxiu, brother Ipxiu, has he already said this? Beth paused. It seems that she wants www to hear an answer different from last night in Grudi’s mouth.
But Gurudi continued to say, well, we met Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade again later, and a large number of them chased me in Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, and I barely escaped, but brother Ipxiu said that he couldn’t go either.
After a long silence, Gurudi continued, Now even we can cross this desert to buy Warcraft from the wholesale store of Warcraft. Well, what should we do? There are more and more Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade here, so we will go to the village sooner or later.
Chapter 14 Arriving at Pupuha Village
In fact, this swordsman came from the wholesale store of Warcraft. Before Gurudi finished sighing, Beth explained Dolo’s identity to those magic rabbits and beasts over there.
After listening to these, Gurudima threw a surprised look at Dolo. It took him a while to return to absolute being and swallow saliva, saying that in this case, let’s go back to the village, and he also got up from the ground and adjusted his mood to be ready at any time.
The temperature rose slowly in the morning, and after eating some dry food a little, the three of them set off for Pupuha village. From time to time, they looked at Dolo and his magic rabbits with strange eyes. Although Dolo also noticed this problem, he was embarrassed to say anything, but Beth couldn’t help but say, Hey, Guludi, what are you always looking at like this?
No, nothing. I heard the question from Beth Li. Guru Di was a little stunned before he said, in fact, I am a little skeptical that this group of magic rabbits and beasts can really improve the situation here. Then he took another look at Dolo and continued, in fact, I didn’t mean anything, but I just paid more attention to the safety of the village
When I heard Gurudi say this, Beth Li also took a look at Dolo, and there was the same question in her mind. When two people looked at Dolo with four eyes like this, a drop of sweat could not help falling from her forehead. In fact, they were curious about this question, and Dolo was puzzled, but Mesdi asked him to send the magic rabbit here to finish the work, so he could go back. But he couldn’t care less, so he said that our boss said that balancing the ecological environment here was the right thing to do. That’s what Mesdi told Dolo at that time.
When two people heard Dolo say this, they were embarrassed to ask three people to March towards Pupuha village. By noon, the sun was already high in the middle, and people felt suffocated when the dazzling sunlight hit the earth.
At this time, Beth Li suddenly pointed to the front and said that there was Pupuha Village in front. Hearing this, Dolo followed her finger and looked at the past. The horse saw a small village not far away, but the village was not generally depressed. Outside the village, paddy fields were cultivated and trails were deserted.
I saw two farmers dressed as men at the entrance of the village, where they seemed to be village sentries. As soon as they saw the horse, they greeted it and went to Guludi to take the lead. Then they said something to the two men, and then they turned their heads and said to Doro, I’ll report to the elders with Beth. Mr. Doro, you can have a rest first.
This way, Mr. Dolo came at the door, and one of the men made a gesture and said to Dolo, who didn’t think about it. He nodded and followed the man. While walking Dolo, he said, yes, don’t you find a place to put these magic rabbits and beasts in place first? It’s inconvenient to take them with you.
Hearing that the farmer was like a man, the horse nodded, then turned a corner and took Dolo into another path. After walking in the village for so long, Dolo saw several pedestrians and the village was depressed, which made people feel a little chilling.
It’s a terrible feeling, isn’t it? At this time, the man who walked in front suddenly turned his head and said to Dolo, if only two months ago this village had been a gathering place for businessmen from both countries, it was all those damn Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade who said that the man squeezed his fist even more.
Hearing the man’s words, Dolo was silent. Although it was very forbidding, so was life. In fact, what’s the difference between Warcraft attacking humans and humans eating other creatures? This world is like this. These are all great laws. Now I think about it and find that Mesdi said that it is only a few ways to solve the ecological problems here. Forced suppression can often cure the symptoms.
While Dolo was meditating, a strange noise suddenly sounded around him, and he was startled personally. He turned his head to the side and saw a little bit of light shining in a dark hut as if it were like the eyes of a wild animal.
Those villagers who were scratched or bitten by Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade had to put them in the same room because they couldn’t walk outside. The man’s tone showed that some Nai people had gradually become Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade.
At this time, Dolo took another look at the house, and suddenly there was a burst of sadness in his heart. Did human beings share the true law with other nationalities? When he thought of this, he suddenly sighed and a woman flashed in his mind. Mother, maybe you were wrong as soon as you started.
Mr. Dolo, Mr. Dolo, what happened to you? When you saw Dolo’s absence, the man who led the way called him a few times.
Dolo just came to his senses and replied, "Nothing, nothing. Let’s go." Then he followed quickly. They didn’t go far and came to a fence, but there was no animal in it. It seemed that it had been idle for many days.
Some animals were raised here, but they went on after the village was attacked by Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade. Because the general animal’s reproductive ability was not strong enough, it was quickly eaten up by Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, and the man sighed again.
Dolo patted the man on the shoulder and said, I hope these magic rabbits and beasts can help you at www.
The man nodded, then walked to the side of the house and knocked on the door. At this time, a bearded fat man came from the inside. Ivy, what are you doing here? When you walked through the door, the fat man asked, and then the horse turned his eyes to Dorothy behind the man.
That Ai Weima explained all about Dolo and the magic rabbits and beasts, and finally said, take good care of these magic rabbits and beasts. I’ll take Mr. Dolo to rest first.
Chapter 15 Hidden Line
Hearing Ivy, the man who just led the way, said that he would take himself to rest, Dolo shook his head and said, Don’t bother. I don’t think there are any houses around here, so I’ll just pick one and live in it. As he spoke, he looked around the rooms so that I could help here before stocking these magic rabbits and beasts.
Well, after hearing Dolo say this, Ivy paused before continuing to say, Well, you can find a house around here first, and then we will come back to you when Bethel and the elders have finished reporting. Then he talked to the fat generation again and then turned away.