
Helping bones is the most solid and unbreakable part of pterosaur, which is a treasure for the Wizards who are good at body building.

Not yet, Meng Fei. Keep asking
This stone is covered with natural fire lines. If it is not bad, it should be the life flint of the fire family. Brian paused carefully and explained that the Chinese fire family was bred by a mysterious sea of fire. They called it the life sea of fire. It is said that the fire family practiced the meaning of fire.
What about the fire of life? Meng Fei asked
I don’t know. It’s said that life disappeared in ancient times. The inferno naturally formed without artificial traces. It’s the fire family. This flint should be the fire family’s strong life. If the fire family understands the mystery, it will be enhanced by magical power.
Brian frowned and said that it is said that this kind of flint can also be special by the fire family, as if it can benefit more from integration. I think this flint is the most precious treasure for the fire family.
How precious is Meng Fei? Ask again
Brian smiled and didn’t hide it. I think this flint can be exchanged for several cities from the fire family.
Meng Fei, a city of several fire families, was horrified.
Nodding his head, Brian affirmed that this flint is unique to other races, but it is a treasure to the fire family. The fire family can give up everything in its madness.
Meng Fei heart move and ask the volume?
I don’t know. Brian shook his head and said, the words are very strange. I have never seen or heard of them, but this volume has not been bad for tens of thousands of years and should be mysterious. Unfortunately, we all don’t understand the mystery of the words.
Well, Meng Fei smiled. Brian, you should know that my strength is far superior to yours, and I can’t suppress you. I remember you saying that we should share everything equally in this treasure hunt, right?
Brian smiled for a long time before his flesh ached and nodded. Naidao, tell me how to divide it.
Wing keel fire clan life flint Meng Fei sound elongated is conation.
Hearing this, Brian’s parents are dead, and his face is very bad, and his head is drooping.
I don’t even want Meng Fei to add a word to that scroll. I want it. You don’t know how to break it
Brian’s eyes suddenly lit up, laughing and not pretending to be surprised and excited, saying that you are really a good person.
Give it to you for fear that he will go back on his word. Brian threw the unknown ancient to Meng Fei with a snap of his finger, and then quickly walked over and said that it was easy to reach an agreement. Don’t go back on your word. Wing keel that flint me.
This person’s nature, honest and frank, is not too narrow-minded and gloomy. Either he is unhappy or unhappy, he will show it in his face
It’s actually very easy for people to get along like this.
I can’t take advantage of you too much, Brian. I’m sorry for hesitating. You can take sixteen pieces when you get them. You deserve it. Even if you compensate for your loss, you must not refuse.
Good Meng Fei readily agreed to come.
Just as they were talking, Meng Fei’s blood ghost ended with a smile on his face and said, I think refining blood crystals is of great benefit to our souls. Well, let me try it first, and then you can come in if there is no problem.
Without waiting for Brian to react, he moved towards the huge crystal pillar.
His body fell directly into the liquid at the top of the crystal pillar, and an indescribable feeling of soul suddenly poured into every corner of the soul, making him want to moan.
At the top of the pillar, he smiled and nodded at Brian, indicating that he felt very good.
Brian’s expression showed a subtle excitement at a glance, and before Meng Feiduo made a gesture, he quickly fell into a crystal pillar liquid.
The wonderful and extremely comfortable feeling immediately poured into the depths of the soul, making Brian suddenly relax and have a wonderful feeling of letting time stop.
These liquid blood crystals are matched and can be directly brought by two people.
In the middle of white liquid, Meng Fei Bryan’s body floats, and a little bit of white liquid permeates the depths of their souls. See Bryan Meng Fei’s soul overflowing with gossamer dirty gray lines and slowly draining the soul.
Brian has already stopped being ecstatic, and his soul is peaceful and silent, absorbing nutrients from the blood crystal.
The white liquid gradually recovered and shrunk after the two settled in.
Wash the soul and drive away the dirt of the soul. This is the magical effect of the reverse blood crystal. In the soul refining, the two souls are comfortable and bathed in the water, and every moment is strangely relaxed.
You don’t need two people to spend their minds, you need to enjoy it, and you don’t want to think about it. Everything is guided by the blood crystal.
A trace of gray dirty smoke floated slowly from the souls of the two people and volatilized in heaven and earth
Meng Fei’s soul gradually became crystal clear and muddy, the clearest crystal without any impurities, magnificent Tianjie.
His soul sacrifices a lot of dirt, and he absorbs the reverse blood crystal faster than Brian. Many witches don’t pay attention to the soul cultivation, and Brian doesn’t have too complicated experiences. The dependence on the reverse blood crystal is far from Meng Fei
In a short time, Meng Fei has absorbed three reverse blood crystals, and most of the energy in them has poured into Meng Fei’s soul, which has been washed and refined over and over again to help him remove the filth of his soul and make his soul extremely relaxed.
The purity of the soul can sharpen the cultivation’s perception of the meaning of heaven and earth and help the realm to rise further.
With the gradual growth of the realm power, the soul of each practice will gradually be infiltrated and defiled, which will blind the soul, and the soul will gradually leave the avenue and become slow in understanding the most pure heaven and earth.
Especially Meng Fei.
His body is tough and hard to destroy, but there are many impurities in his soul.
The reverse blood crystal is bigger for him than anyone else, as if he were born with this kind of person