
I know that in the end, these methods will compete with everyone for aura, so that I can still control them now, and I will try to prevent them from flowing out.

Tell you what, I’ll set up a department at the same time to let some people take charge of supervision and try to eliminate all the tricks that have flowed for different reasons.
Although it will take a hundred years or so to implement it imperceptibly, the source will gradually eliminate the mortals of future generations. I will guide them to take another road, but I can’t make the aura.
At the same time, I will try to refine some magic weapons designed to detect the foundation of mortal qualifications to test those children in order to replace the basic cultivation methods now.
So I’ve eliminated another source. Are you satisfied? Also, there are many aura-filled and blessed places overseas. How about going together? "
Xuanzhen said coldly, "So you still won’t give up your crazy plans. Well, what if you do this?" After that, you didn’t do the right thing with our Emei Sect? "
He turned to the blissful real person and said, "The real person is supposed to be a member of your Qingcheng Sect, so we can’t treat him well, but he is always right with us. Please ask the real person to give justice." Hahahaha Xuanzhen, you said so much because I blocked your Emei Prosperous Road and cut your luck. Why do you want to get rid of me and say so much nonsense?
I, Song Chang-geng, dare to do it alone, so I dare to take on what you have to do. Let me see how powerful the first two-instrument dust array is! "
I thought so many ways to compromise, but I still heard Xuanzhen adamant that Song Changgeng couldn’t help but be arrogant. He came in and explained to these people with all his heart. In the end, the other party still had to deal with him. He was crazy at the moment
Although I’m sorry, I still have to say that the newcomer guarantees that I will add another chapter for every ten monthly tickets added in the middle of the night. I hope everyone will support me and thank my brothers and sisters.
The twelfth volume You and I draw out a sword Chapter one hundred and fifteen Single-handedly bear
Blissful reality said simply, "All right, don’t make any noise. What will happen to each one?"? It’s almost worse than those who teach evil ways.
Song Chang Gung just said that the method is very good, so that the source of broadcasting can be eliminated. What we are most worried about is that the fight for aura will not be born of other things, and he will try to solve it.
In talking about weakening your Emei sect’s luck, I think if innocence makes you prosperous, others will give you back twice as much if they take it away.
If someone takes the lead and doesn’t return to your hands in the end, then say that this thing or person is not you, it is a causal flow to you, and people rob you, saying that you are not really blessed by heaven.
Isn’t it a little narrow-minded to shout at others and kill you because of this? If you have to deal with Song Changgeng, how can I say it’s all his grandfathers? I took over everything. "
A teenager’s expression is not high, but the words of Blissful Reality are really killing the Three Immortals in the East China Sea. They didn’t expect Blissful Reality to finally take up this matter.
Is that they brought two instruments of dust array flag gate? Blissful reality leads the root, but he can’t help but decide what to do for a while.
Without waiting for them to answer, Blissful Reality turned to Master Fentuo and said, "Yu Xuanyuan’s two treasures not only have you been thinking for a long time, but I have also been thinking for a long time.
Now that the treasure has been acquired by our Qingcheng Sect, will you stop there? If you have to fight, why don’t you make an appointment and we’ll fight it out? "
Master Fentuo was stunned at his words. She didn’t expect things to finally show the worst. The real person finally took over the beam. It seems that the Qingcheng Sect orthodoxy is too important to him.
She looked at her apprentice Yang Jin and said with a sigh, "Can you see the fate of each person? If these two treasures can’t give up what I want, I can’t say anything."
Since real people have their own plans, we have come to be rude. Please include real people to do it today. Let’s get together again some other day. "
When I heard the words of Master Fentuo, a string in my heart was finally loosened. Now that Song Chang-geng has a good solution to the reiki problem, he naturally has no worries.
He knows that Song Chang Gung can’t fight these two people, and now he’s still injured. If he doesn’t look back, he naturally takes everything to himself.
Now Master Fentuo doesn’t want to leave his enemy automatically. Although there will still be a lot of trouble later, it is finally over at present. Of course, he is relieved.
Without an enemy, the reality of bliss is also very happy that he got up and made a few polite words with Master Fentuo, and wanted to send them away as soon as they were determined to go.
The three immortals in the East China Sea made eye contact with each other, and a wonderful real person, Qi Shuming, handed over and said, "Speaking of real people, they are our elders. How dare we fight against real people? Doesn’t that hurt our two families’ harmony?
At the same time, it’s also a joke for those evil spirits. Since the real person wants to protect this person, I’ll ask the real person to treat him well, so don’t be against us Emei Sect again? "
Speaking of it, Qi Shuming, a wonderful real person, is also very depressed. He didn’t expect things to finally be like this. He wants this person to do the right thing before he does it himself.
He knows that there will be conflicts after this matter will not be over, but let’s deal with it now. It’s impossible to really fight with the bliss reality, is it? The three of them really have no bottom to beat others.
They can’t stay when they see Master Fentuo leaving. Finally, they ask the Blissful Reality to know that this will happen when they decide to pick up these beams themselves.
He also bowed his hand and said, "Don’t worry, I will warn him well and let him be different. What you do right is how close we should be when we come to Qingcheng Emei."
Song Chang Gung next to the interface, "You can rest assured that I have deduced and blinded the secret magic weapon, the jade turtle symbol, which has been destroyed in the holy tomb. After the secret will be cleared, I won’t be able to seize any opportunities."
"Hum, you’d better be better off in the future, otherwise we Emei Sect will not be able to bully you. It’s better to put away those crazy plans and provoke us, so we won’t be so accommodating."
Xuanzhen said coldly that he was really annoyed that this matter was finally settled because of the intervention of the blissful reality. They came for nothing, and they were naturally depressed and didn’t have the spirit to talk.
I’m afraid it would be even more depressing if Song Changgeng didn’t say that he deduced and blinded the secret magic weapon, the jade turtle symbol, which had been destroyed in the holy tomb and the secret was really cleared up.
Everyone said a few polite words and exchanged some pleasantries. Finally, the Three Immortals in the East China Sea and Master Fentuo were sent away. Really Situping also left Guihua Mountain with the Three Immortals in the East China Sea.
While JiLingYun stayed on as an excuse to take care of Shuangying, the two Younger, and after seeing these people off, the reality of bliss said to Qin Ziling, "Ziling, you tidy up and arrange for your school sisters to practice."
Then he said to Song Changgeng, "You and I will go for a walk."
Qin Ziling knew that they had something to talk about, so she took a few school sisters to salute and leave. Li Ninglai just wanted to say that Shuangying was separated from Emei Sect, but later she saw that there were too many things.
Now that I know that things are not so easy to solve, I didn’t say that I left directly and went back to my tree house for repair. Shuangying and Qin Han calyx winked at Song Changgeng when they left.
What do they mean? Of course, Song Chang-geng knows that he just wants to talk to him about some things that disturbed the cat’s nest, but he is not in the mood to deal with them now. The bliss talents need it most now.
Before he could speak, everyone else left, and the real bliss person said, "Don’t say thank you. We all need what we want. You have received several qualifications during this period, and Brother Yun Dao showed me hope, so I tried to protect you. But after you tell the truth, do you want to be right with Emei Sect? Tell me, will you let me have a bottom? "
The twelfth volume You and I draw out a sword Chapter one hundred and sixteen A new future
Song Chang Gung hesitated for a while and said after careful consideration, "Although it may be necessary to grab a head start in some things or people, there is nothing else."
However, if the Qingcheng Sect wants to rise up against the Emei Sect, it is impossible. After all, it is indispensable for two sects to rise up at the same time and compete with each other. "
Sighing lightly, a blissful real person said naively, "I know these things, but I can’t help it. It’s necessary to establish orthodoxy. I have realized that I have to pay the price."
This time, I can temporarily suppress these things, but neither of them will let you go. Be careful when you go out, especially when your magic weapon is destroyed.
Hey! You don’t have the magic weapon to blind the cat, so it’s easy to be calculated. So you should be careful. You’d better do more work in advance to temporarily confuse the cat.
You’re here to recuperate. Now that we’ve torn our faces with Emei Sect, it’s okay for you to be considerate. It’s best to leave them in Qingcheng Sect. I’ll go when Mrs. Bao Xiang spends the robbery. I’ll go first if it’s okay. "
After seeing off the Blissful Reality, Song Changgeng simply dealt with the inquiries of Shuangying and Qin Hancalyx, and then went back to heal himself and thought about his next action plan.
This time, if there is no bliss reality, don’t say that the dust array of the three immortals and two instruments in the East China Sea is the master of Fentuo, and the two disciples are not able to fight against each other.
After thinking for a long time, Song Changgeng finally decided to revise the previous plan to avoid the problem of competing for aura. He decided to solve it by himself.
At the same time, I can’t hide my identity. I can’t hide myself in the three places of Taihang Mountain in the South China Sea and the North Sea. There must be a danger of being attacked then.