

The light array condenses into a small sable sleeve robe with a wave of his hand, and the strong wind is to take Lin three people into the light array, and then the light array rotates rapidly. At this moment, it is also jumping and smashing, and Lin four people disappear almost at the same time.
Four people disappeared, and this piece was calm again until about half an hour later, another prescription cracked a gap, and the golden figure walked again.
Good ability to move
As soon as the golden light figure appeared, he looked at the place where Lin Dong and others disappeared. His brow seemed to knit for a while, and then he said, I am more and more interested in you.
The golden light shadow suddenly appears with a clap of the palm of your hand and shines to the place where the previous light array disappeared. There, a black S-channel light mirror shines and enters. I want to track the direction in which the figure disappears. Other friends are watching.
However, just as the light mirror was constantly exploring, the dark clouds of this world suddenly condensed into a Lei Guang, which suddenly burst out of the dark clouds and exploded in the light mirror directly.
Sudden changes make that golden figure surface S become more and more complete and drink a way
However, he drank, but no one answered, and the dark clouds also dissipated rapidly, and the previous scene was an illusion.
The golden figure looks at those dissipating dark clouds, and then looks at the disappearing black dng, where the traces have completely disappeared, even if he has lost his tracking power.
At this point, even he had to give up his anger, hum his eyes, look at the sky and then turn around and disappear.
When this golden figure disappeared, Ying Xuan, who was in the bamboo house in the depths of Wan Li Yaowai Daozong, opened his eyes faintly and appeared with a mocking S at his mouth.
Third more
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Although it’s a little late, I feel that it’s written ng well. I ng Chapter seven hundred and forty-three Erase.
Chapter seven hundred and forty-three Erase
Chapter seven hundred and forty-three
In the silence of a remote mountain range in the northwest of East Xuanyu, a purple-black S light array suddenly appeared, and then the light array flashed four figures, one of which swept off a mountain peak and other friends were watching.
The four people all took a sigh of relief and looked at that piece with dignity behind S.
How to get rid of the forest and looked at the mink and asked
The sable frowned slightly and sank. yn said that the person who followed us should indeed be Yuan N, the three masters of teaching. When we moved earlier, I could feel that he was detecting our tracks in the secret method, but later it should have been interrupted by someone.
Interrupted Lin Dong, dazed, who dares to interrupt the three palms of Yuan N to teach a secret method.
Well, the strength of that hand is also very strong, so it will definitely not be a junior. I don’t know whether it is a person who will help us with our little mink frown.
Lin also frowned and thought for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes looked at the bright big eyes after this time.
Two sounds are almost simultaneously from two people’s mouths. In this East Xuanyu, I am afraid that people who can stop Daozong’s three palms from teaching such a strong character are also rare, and they will take the initiative to help them. I am afraid that there will be no others except Ying Xuan.
Oh, Daozong Zhang taught Yao Xiaomink to be stunned for a while, and then he suddenly laughed. It seems that others are nice and will secretly help.
Lin Dong shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Ying Xuan’s hand this time. I’m afraid it’s still because he turned Ying Tianhuang’s piano. It seems that it’s really wise to bring this Ni this time, otherwise I’m afraid it’s really a big trouble today.
Although Lin is not afraid of anything, he also knows that their strength is going to touch the tree with the N palm.