
Bai Jian saw the celestial army enter the enemy line, and he commanded his own army to attack on two wings. Although he knew it was purely a war of attrition, he had to send troops to fight.

Rongzhou is the foundation of Yum! The first batch of troops sent by Yum! Kings are purely consuming. Even if Yum! Kings occupy Rongzhou for a while, they will move the people here.
Many ghosts will die and turn to dust in the process of crushing the underworld in vain.
The underworld attacked Kyushu’s heaven. The different heaven is to oppress the refiners and agree to the merger conditions. The underworld is to completely destroy Kyushu so that it can become another underworld. Those doomed ghosts will be sent as consumption.
Yum King, a huge ghost country, ruled hundreds of billions of people, and 90% of these ghosts will die in the underworld robbery. Yum King can drive tens of billions of ghosts to fight.
The death of these ghosts in Kyushu will also turn into ghost gas and slowly pollute Kyushu.
This is the most vicious means of attack. It is not a vain talk that Rongzhou will lose this war.
The more you kill the enemy, the more serious the enemy will pollute you. It is far more difficult to purify the ghost gas than the magic gas. The magic gas Kyushu is out of place, and the ghost gas will naturally be produced in Kyushu, which will generate power when the living beings die.
In fact, the Kyushu underworld passage is the passage through which Kyushu creatures have accumulated and dissolved after hundreds of millions of years of death.
This is a constant passage and conforms to the rules of heaven and earth avenue. It is very expensive for immortals to drive away the ghost gas.
Immortals rarely go to the underworld, where kings are the masters.
Bai Jian Yum! King’s army of the underworld has come to a state of confrontation. The sudden attack by the Golden Pagoda of the celestial fairy boat is almost a millionth. Both sides are not fully prepared for this battle. It is Bai Jian’s army of pro-commanders who have been very familiar with Bai Jian’s means of fighting after training.
These two wings pressed against each other for about a thousand miles, which became a huge battlefield. Both sides put ghosts into it and strangled the ghosts together. Immediately, Bai Jian’s army was extraordinary
Bai Jian ghost pawn form law is not only a ghost will combat effectiveness body will also be put into the battle, Bai Jian side a formation of ten thousand people comparable to the other ten times the strength.
If it weren’t for the other side to build a fortress and build more large arrays, this rush will smash the vanguard troops of Yum King.
But the number of enemies is far more than that of Bai Jian. Yum! Kings and other figures have calculated that the underworld is irreparable, and it is possible to directly integrate the people into the army’s combat effectiveness. Although it is weaker in number, it is not a king.
Such biting means are also done by an old king. Although the big state has now opened the way for the kings of the underworld, it is not such a bad situation as Rongzhou.
While those kings were still testing, Yum! King had planned to burn everything.
He doesn’t know where his channel will be now. Now I’m afraid he really wants to lose everything in Zhongzhou, even the hundreds of billions of troops can’t be besieged by the four sects.
There are too many pick Jin Xian in the four sects to kill this number advantage.
It’s not bad for heaven and Kyushu to merge with Kyushu. Heaven and Heaven can strike the big Luo Jinxian, and the big Luo Jinxian, the four sects in the world, can walk freely in Kyushu.
Moreover, after the merger, the population of Kyushu will increase explosively, and the celestial atmosphere released by heaven will prolong the life span of Kyushu creatures, while heaven needs Kyushu creatures to make up for the current crisis in heaven.
King Yum has already prepared for the fall. If he fails, he will fight for a military solution and make the place he has attacked the underworld.
Leitian is also worthy of this robbery. It’s not that Yum King is attacking Rongzhou for another king. He doesn’t have such a big pressure.
Leitian is behind him. He quickly calculated the enemy’s weakness through six eyes. It is a tall metal fortress and an army of the underworld.
Destroy that fortress and the army of the underworld will lose its core of mobilization
Leitian didn’t hesitate to take a hundred magic soldiers and twelve dark stars to the fortress.
Leitian Luo Xiu light rain cast magic on high places at the same time. A passing star was attracted by magic and came straight to the earth outside their heads for nine days.
This star has a diameter of more than 100 feet, and it has burned nearly half even if it is protected by three people.
Suddenly it was dark, as if the end was coming. A huge hole was burning in it, and the fireball instantly came to the metal fortress.
The metal fortress was besieged by millions of heavenly soldiers. The heavenly soldiers will surround the fortress. This star fell directly in the middle of the fortress, and then a fire dragon soared into the sky. The core of the metal fortress instantly melted strongly. air billow scattered around, and millions of heavenly soldiers were blown away. On that day, the soldiers relied on a golden pagoda and were leitian into the thunder pool to protect them.
Most of the mountain was torn to pieces by air billow’s impact, and it was directly hit by the metal fortress, but it turned into a mass of metal bumps, and no one was alive.
It was a star magic that destroyed this huge fortress, which was equivalent to a unique fairy device.
Although millions of heavenly soldiers were damaged in Leitian, the golden pagoda was unscathed. These heavenly soldiers can be resurrected. Leitian has to pay a certain amount of Qinglei Xiangang to supplement the consumption in the golden pagoda.
This is also the reason why the heaven can suppress the quartet. No matter how many heavenly soldiers die, the heaven will not feel distressed. The number of resurrection of the golden pagoda in the heavenly soldiers can reach tens of thousands. The number of resurrection of the gods is almost limited. Those gods will be afraid to directly enter the center of the underworld army when they hear that Leitian can protect the golden pagoda.
This is the star magic of the pick Jin Xian level. Even the Chinese emperor needs three people to join forces with twelve dark stars to help him get started.
Chapter four hundred and ten Witch door relics
Leitian just advanced and didn’t have time to practice the magic of the stars. This is the only way.
The celestial army lost millions when the star fell, and the army of the underworld lost more. Leitian and others also temporarily lost their attack ability because of this magic.
Leitian now also don’t want to give up at will, but put a lot of jade slurry to twelve dark stars. The dark stars got jade slurry and quickly recovered their fighting capacity.
Twelve Jin Xian killed the magic in the past and released it to the pioneer army of the underworld.
The number of Jin Xian, the vanguard of the underworld army, is not limited to this ghost pawn power, and it may not be different from these twelve dark stars. However, just after Leitian made a big hole in the sky, he simply put the ghost gas around the ghost pawn into the heaven and earth millstone, and it was directly absorbed by the big hole and turned into a blue thunder fairy.
Leitian is crazy to suck that ghost pawn’s body, and he doesn’t miss a single one. Advanced Jin Xian uses his pick to make him feel stretched.
If he doesn’t supplement it, he will soon continue to practice again.
The environment of Qingmen is also the most suitable for true fairy practice. Those twelve dark stars who haven’t been built to the point of being able to accept Jin Xian will dare to walk in this Rongzhou only if they defend themselves with Qinglei Fairy Gang.
Bai Jian felt that the two wings suddenly lost their strength, and his army turned into twelve sharp arrows and inserted them into the enemy.
In the army of the underworld, twelve Jin Xian suddenly flew to the twelve dark stars.
Twelve dark stars simply appeared, each with a height of 100 feet and wearing star armor. The weapons in their hands were all leitian, and they were given a giant axe again.
These twelve dark stars don’t use magic to fight, but the axe kills twelve Jin Xian in melee.